Treatment of Low AMH : At Welling Clinic, we have specially formulated homeopathy treatment to help you conceive naturally with low AMH. Our patients have conceived naturally with AMH as low as 0.1 at right age and other health parameters being under control. Meet our experts today to know if you too can conceive naturally.
If you stay outside Mumbai, click here for a detailed assessment for advise. There is a wrong conception that a woman with low AMH cannot conceive naturally. Though low ovarian reserves may be one of the criterias for IVF, it should also be associated with age above 44 yrs and very low bleeding during monthly menses. Usually doctors will rush for IVF for women with low AMH even if the age is well below 40. They might even advise donor eggs saying low AMH can signify low quality eggs.
Past experience has proved that in majority of females, only low AMH is not an hindrance for natural conception and they can conceive naturally without any external help.
The tests being so common now a days, we have had young girls with PCOS being advised AMH by their gynaecologist, which is not only foolish but also non-ethical. Previously FSH was the test of choice, which would be done to know the fertility level of a lady. Though no tests considered stand-alone can surely conclude anything concrete, it finally depends on an experienced doctor to interpret it rightly.
We have had women with low AMH of upto 0.1 who have conceived naturally just with Homeopathy speciality treatment for low AMH.
So what does low AMH levels signify?
Low AMH levels signify that egg reserves in your ovaries has depleted and may not last long. Usually till a woman is menstruating she will have eggs releasing every month from either of her ovaries. When young girl starts menstruating, the ovaries have finite amount of eggs to last till they are menstruating. During artificial treatments like IVF multiple eggs are extracted for success in the process. But if the IVF or ICSI is unsuccessful, which is very common, the egg reserves go down drastically and you can just imagine what happens after multiple unsuccessful IVFs. After repeated IVFs, low AMH is a logical outcome, which becomes an automatic reason to go ahead for more IVF cycles.
Though you may have low AMH and hence low egg reserves, but as long as you have eggs in your ovaries, it is perfectly possible for you conceive naturally.
Visit us today to know more about our speciality homeopathic treatment protocol for low AMH which has helped women with low AMH to conceive naturally. You can also email us or chat with us on whatsapp to know more.
Our International patients can contact us through our online consultation platform to know how we deliver treatment for low AMH, internationally to more than 72 countries.