Treatment of Primary Testicular Failure

World’s Largest Speciality Homeopathy Clinic for Infertility with Satisfied Couples From 108 Countries

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Treatment of Primary Testicular Failure at Welling Homeopathy Clinics includes our customised treatment proven to help increase sperm count, enough for natural conception. In the last twelve years, we have had more than 3600 men for the treatment of primary testicular failure from 108 countries. And many more in the last 18 years of our practice. We could help a few of them through our HART treatment protocol through there have been a lot of dropouts during the treatment. This is majorly due to the popularly known thought that it is not curable.

Why Choose Welling Homeopathy Medicines for Primary Testicular Failure?

  • First and the largest Homeopathic infertility Clinic in the world with satisfied patients from 108 countries,
  • The custom-made homeopathy medicines for primary testicular failure are proven to work at our speciality clinics in Mumbai & Surat over the last 18 years,
  • Non-hormonal natural Homeopathy treatment for primary testicular failure can help without any side effects,
  • Have 65% success rate in our first treatment cycle lasting 6 months,
  • Have happy parents from over 108 countries,

Consult our specialists today for a detailed evaluation and to start your customised Homeopathy medicines for primary testicular failure. Call +91 8080 850 950 to book an appointment or order online.

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What is Primary Testicular Failure?

treatment of primary testicular failurePrimary Hypogonadism, also known as a primary testicular failure, originates from an abnormality in the testicles.

Hypogonadism may occur if the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis is interrupted at any level.

Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (primary hypogonadism) results if the gonad does not produce the amount of steroid sufficient to suppress secretion of LH and FSH at normal levels.

Why You Get Primary Testicular Failure?

  • Activities that may cause constant, low-level injury to the scrotum, such as riding a motorcycle
  • Frequent and heavy use of marijuana
  • Undescended testicles at birth
  • Decrease in height
  • Enlarged breasts (gynecomastia)
  • Infertility
  • Lack of muscle mass
  • Lack of sex drive (libido)
  • Loss of armpit and pubic hair
  • Slow development or lack of secondary male sex characteristics (hair growth, scrotum enlargement, penis enlargement, voice changes

Causes of Primary Testicular Failure

1.     Klinefelter syndrome. 

  • It s a condition which results from a congenital abnormality of the sex chromosomes, X and Y
  • A male normally has one X and one Y chromosome. In Klinefelter syndrome, two or more X chromosomes are present in addition to one Y chromosome.
  • The Y chromosome contains the genetic material that determines the sex of a child and related development. The extra X chromosome that occurs in Klinefelter syndrome causes abnormal development of the testicles, which in turn results in underproduction of testosterone.

2.     Undescended testicles. 

  • Before birth, the testicles develop inside the abdomen, and normally move down into their permanent place in the scrotum.
  • Sometimes one or both of the testicles may not be descended at birth. This condition often corrects itself within the first few years of life without treatment.
  • If not corrected in early childhood, it may lead to malfunction of the testicles and reduced production of testosterone.

3.     Mumps orchitis.

  • If a mumps infection involving the testicles in addition to the salivary glands (mumps orchitis) occurs during adolescence or adulthood, long-term testicular damage may occur. This may affect normal testicular function and testosterone production.

4.     Hemochromatosis.

  • Too much iron in the blood can cause testicular failure or pituitary gland dysfunction affecting testosterone production.

5.     Injury to the testicles. 

  • Because they’re situated outside the abdomen, the testicles are prone to injury. Damage to normally developed testicles can cause hypogonadism.

6.     Cancer treatment. 

  • Chemotherapy or radiation therapy for the treatment of cancer can interfere with testosterone and sperm production.

7.     Testicular torsion 

Signs of Primary Testicular Failure

  1. Prepubertal Onset
    1. Hypoplastic penis and Testes
    2. Thin, smooth skin
    3. Voice does not deepen
    4. Female distribution of pubic hair
    5. Absence of beard
    6. Poor muscle development
    7. Long limbs
    8. Broad hips
    9. Gynecomastia
  2. Postpubertal Onset
    1. Testicular atrophy and pallor
    2. Reduced body hair
    3. Increased visceral fat
    4. Decreased muscle mass

 Symptoms of Primary Testicular Failure

1. Sexual dysfunction

  • Decreased libido (erectile function often intact)
  • Decreased sexual activity
  • Decreased facial and body hair

2. Decreased muscle strength and decreased muscle mass

3. Fatigue and lethargy

4. Depressed mood

5. Mild Cognitive Impairment

6. Increased visceral fat

How Is Testicular Failure Diagnosed?

Diagnosing testicular failure may involve a variety of male fertility testing procedures. Congenital testicular failure will typically be indicated by the presence of “ambiguous” genitalia at birth.

  • Fertility tests for the diagnosis of testicular failure may include the following:
  • Bood tests to evaluate levels of testosterone hormones, gonadotrophine, FSH and LH
  • Physical exam for signs of testicular atrophy or tumors
  • Semen analysis

What Is The Treatment Of Primary Testicular Failure?

Various medications are used to treat or reduce the symptoms of Primary Testicular Failure due to Torsion of Both Testis. Our Speciality Homeopathy treatment has been very effective in the treatment of Primary Testicular Failure

You can visit us personally or chat with our doctors for a detailed evaluation of Primary Testicular Failure.