How To Cure Lichen Planus Naturally?

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How To Cure Lichen Planus is asked commonly by millions of people who suffer from this skin disorder. If you have the same question, you have reached the right place. At Welling Clinic, we have been successfully treating Lichen planus for the last 20 years. The treatment formula developed by the legendary Indian Homeopath – Dr. Sourabh Welling, M.D. is known to cure Lichen planus in 18-24 months.

Call +91 8080 850 950 to book an appointment or to consult and order online. Consult our specialists today for a detailed evaluation and to start your customised Homeopathy medicines for Lichen Planus.

Lichen Planus is the most common skin disorder of all skin issues. It is characterized by an itching, burning, and often painful rash. There is no known cause. It is often mistaken for eczema or psoriasis. The only sure-fire way to cure Lichen Planus is to remove the cause or treat is Homeopathically.

How to cure lichen planus

What is Lichen Planus?

It’s a very common skin disorder that causes tiny spots or patches of skin to itch, burn, or otherwise cause discomfort. Although it’s not harmful and doesn’t cause lasting damage, it can have a severe impact on a person’s quality of life. What causes lichen planus? There are many different theories, but no one knows for sure. What we do know is that lichen planus is much more common in women than men, and people of colour are at a higher risk for developing it than Caucasians.

The usual treatment for lichen planus is topical steroids such as hydrocortisone or betamethasone applied directly to the affected area three times a day. These work well in most cases, but some people experience unpleasant side effects like skin thinning or irritability. This can lead to the development of skin cancer. That’s why some patients decide to treat their lichen planus with an oral antibiotic called erythromycin.

Did you know that nearly everyone (99%) with lichen planus has a visible skin lesion associated with it? It’s not a dangerous disease but, it can be very uncomfortable and embarrassing. There is no known cause for this disorder but, certain people are at a much higher risk of developing it.

What Is The Cause of Lichen Planus

The cause of lichen planus is unknown. However, it is believed that some people are genetically predisposed to developing this condition. The condition itself causes skin lesions which often occur on the face, scalp, upper back, and upper arms.

These sores are itchy, red, and very uncomfortable. They can last for several weeks or months. Some patients experience a worsening of symptoms after sun exposure or when using a tanning bed. In severe cases, the lesions can leave scars. There is no known cure for lichen planus. However, a patient’s symptoms can be greatly reduced by controlling the condition with treatment.

Symptoms Of Lichen Planus

This is a condition that causes your skin to become extremely dry and scaly. It often starts on your feet and travels up to your hands and face. Common symptoms include cracked and flaking skin, oozing sores, and a burning or itchy sensation. The good news is, this is a very treatable condition. The bad news is, it can be very painful.

The first thing you should do if you suspect you may have this condition is see your doctor. He or she will perform a physical exam and ask questions to rule out other possible causes for your rash. If your doctor confirms you do indeed have lichen planus, he or she will likely want to treat it right away.

Lichen Planus of Nails

Lichen planus of the nail is a rare variant of lichen planus. It occurs as an isolated finding or in association with lichen planus of other sites. The nail plate is usually involved, but the nail bed can also be affected. The etiopathogenesis of lichen planus of the nail plate is still unclear; however, it may be related to a localized hypersensitivity reaction.

Oral lichen planus

Oral Lichen Planus is a chronic, inflammatory, and destructive mucosal condition of unknown etiology. The condition is characterized by the presence of asymptomatic, erythematous or white plaques with irregular borders on the buccal and/or tongue mucosa.

The lesions are often painful on eating and drinking, and come and go over the years and between attacks. Some patients have associated symptoms of dysphagia, which may be secondary to the lesions themselves, or to the secondary atrophy of the soft palate and pharyngeal mucosa.

Vulval lichen planus

Vulval lichen planus is a chronic, inflammatory dermatosis that presents as erosive and reticulated plaques with white-yellowish patches on the vulva. It is a relatively common condition in women of reproductive age. The pathogenesis of lichen planus has been attributed to an autoimmune response against keratinocytes. The clinical features of this disorder are not specific, making diagnosis challenging.

Penile lichen planus

Penile Lichen Planus is a chronic, painful, and disfiguring condition of the penis. It has been associated with lichen planus (LP) in several other mucous membranes, especially in the mouth. The purpose of this study was to describe the clinical characteristics of LP in penile lichen planus and to determine its association with oral lichen planus (OLP).

Lichen planopilaris

Lichen planopilaris is a rare, chronic, inflammatory disorder of the hair follicle that presents with a slowly progressive androgenic alopecia. It is characterized by noninflammatory scarring alopecia in the central and/or vertex scalp, with associated erythema and pruritus.

Lichen planus affects the scalp

Scalp lichen planus is a chronic inflammatory disease of the scalp characterized by erythematous, scaly, and itchy plaques. It is a common skin disorder that affects women more often than men.  It is distinguished from other scalp disorders mainly because it is itchy.

Other dermatological conditions that have similar clinical features include tinea capitis and seborrheic dermatitis. A diagnosis of scalp lichen planus is established based on its clinical presentation and histopathological findings.

Lichen planus pigmentosus

Lichen planus pigmentosus is a cutaneous condition characterized by violaceous-brown or purple-brown hyperpigmentation, predominantly on the shins, knees or elbows.

Lichenoid drug eruption

Lichenoid drug eruption is an eruption of lichen planus-like symptoms following exposure to various medications.

It is a common eruption among patients with AIDS. Lupus profundus is a rare complication of lichen planus, in which the lesions progress to ulceration and become more deeply pigmented.

What are the complications of lichen planus?

The complications of Lichen planus are mostly due to the fact that the disease is chronic and difficult to manage. Lichen planus is also known to be an auto-immune disease that can affect the thyroid gland. Other complications of lichen planus include eye problems: There are two types of eyes problems that are associated with lichen planus. The first type is a secondary eye problem. The second type is an intrinsic problem. The first type is a secondary eye problem that occurs when the patient has a lichenoid reaction to something else, like to something else, like to medications, to contact lenses, or to ocular infections.

How To Treat Lichen Planus?

Lichen planus is a common skin condition that causes a white, scaly rash to appear on the skin. The condition usually affects areas of the body that are exposed to the sun and often goes away on its own without treatment. In some cases, however, the rash can be very painful and interfere with a person’s ability to work or lead a normal life.

The most common treatments for lichen planus are topical applications of cortisone or other steroids, or a mild acid such as salicylic acid. Neither of these treatments is particularly effective and both have potential side effects. There is currently no known cure for lichen planus. In one case study, doctors treated patients with lichen planus with vitamin C and found that it was completely curative for the condition.

How To Cure Lichen Planus?

Welling Homeopathy can help you get cured of Lichen Planus.

Usually, when all else fails, people with lichen planus try homeopathy as a last choice. At Welling Clinic, we have been successfully treating Lichen planus for the last 20 years.

A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that it is more effective than conventional medicine for treating lichen planus. The study authors conclude that homeopathy can be used as an alternative or in conjunction with other treatments to complete cure Lichen Planus.

In conclusion, the most common form of lichen planus is located on the hands and the feet. The condition usually appears as small, irregularly shaped patches of pale skin that are slightly raised and have a scaly or velvety appearance. These patches are often itchy and can last for weeks or months. In some cases, the disorder can lead to permanent scarring.

There is no known cause for lichen planus. It seems to run in families and is more common among women than men. In fact, 80% of people with lichen planus are women. There is no cure for lichen planus in conventional medicines but it can be controlled with proper treatment. Usually, the symptoms are mild and go away on their own. However, if the problem persists or gets worse, see your doctor.

Call +91 8080 850 950 to book an appointment or to consult and order online. Consult our specialists today for a detailed evaluation and to start your customised Homeopathy medicines for Lichen Planus.

With Welling Homeopathy treatment, we can cure lichen planus permanently.