Treatment of kidney cancer with speciality Homeopathy treatment from Welling Clinic can help you fight cancer better naturally. The best long-term results are achieved by combination therapy depending on age, stage of kidney cancer and general health condition of the patient. Conventional treatments like chemotherapy or radiation therapy helps in faster removal of cancer, Homeopathy Treatment for kidney cancer can help in
- Regression of kidney cancer
- Prevention of recurrence of kidney cancer,
- Removing side-effects of chemo and radiation therapy,
- Relieving cancer pains
- Improving general quality of life and hence, a better reaction to other treatments.
The speciality Homeopathic treatment for kidney cancer, developed at Welling Clinics can be very helpful for those suffering from kidney cancer.
Call us today on (+91) 80 80 850 950 to book an appointment and meet our specialist to know more about our speciality Homeopathy treatment for kidney cancer.
What is Kidney Cancer?
- Kidney cancer also called renal cancer. Itis a type of cancer that starts in the cells in the kidney.
- It is a disease in which kidney cells become malignant (cancerous) and grows out of control, forming a tumor.
- The kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs located on either side of the spine, protected by the lower ribcage.
- Their main function is to filter blood and remove excess water, salt and waste from the body.
- Although the body has two kidneys, only part of one kidney is necessary to function.
- Kidney cancer becomes more likely as increase age.
- Kidney cancer is caused due to smoking, having certain genetic conditions, and misusing pain medicines for a long time.
Types of Kidney Cancer
Types of Kidney Cancer are as follows:-
- Renal cell carcinoma (RCC):- It is the most common type of kidney cancer. The cancerous cells typically develop in the lining of very small tubes in the kidney, called tubules. Later on, these cells may grow into a mass and cause an obstruction. The cancer may form in one or both of the kidneys.
Subtypes of Renal Cell Carcinoma are as follows:
- Clear cell RCC: – Itis most common type of RCC i.e. 80 percent of all renal cell carcinomas. The tumor cells appear very pale or clear when observed under a microscope.
- Papillary RCC: – Itis the second most common type of RCC and accounts for 10-15 percent of kidney cancers. The cancerous cells develop finger-like projections in the tumor.
- Collecting duct RCC: – Itis a rare and aggressive type of RCC, accounting for less than one percent of kidney cancers. The cancerous cells form irregular tubes inside the tumor.
- Unclassified RCC: – Itis another rare type of kidney cancer. These cells cannot be classified based on their appearance under a microscope.
Other cancerous kidney tumors:-
- Transitional cell carcinoma develops in the region where the kidney and the ureters join. The ureters are tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder. The tumor cells may begin to look more like bladder cancer cells. This cancer type may also be referred to as urothelial cancer or renal pelvis carcinoma.
- Renal sarcoma is a rare type of kidney cancer that develops in the connective tissue of the kidney.
Pathology of Kidney Cancer
Kidney Cancer has various stages. These are as follows:
- Stage I: – It is an early stage of kidney cancer. The tumor measures up to 2- 3 inches in size (7 centimeters). The cancer cells are found only in the kidney.
- Stage II: – It is also an early stage of kidney cancer, but the tumor measures more than 2-3 inches. The cancer cells are found only in the kidney.
- Stage III:- It is one of the following:
- The tumor does not extend beyond the kidney, but cancer cells have spread through the lymphatic system to one nearby lymph node; or
- The tumor has invaded the adrenal gland or the layers of fat and fibrous tissue that surround the kidney, but cancer cells have not spread beyond the fibrous tissue. Cancer cells may be found in one nearby lymph node; or the cancer cells have spread from the kidney to a nearby large blood vessel. Cancer cells may be found in one nearby lymph node.
- Stage IV:- It is one of the following:
- The tumor extends beyond the fibrous tissue that surrounds the kidney; or
- Cancer cells are found in more than one nearby lymph node; or
- The cancer has spread to other places in the body such as the lungs.
- Recurrent canceris cancer that has come back (recurred) after treatment. It may come back in the kidney or in another part of the body.
Symptoms of Kidney Cancer
The most common sign of kidney cancer is blood in the urine, known as haematuria. Other possible kidney cancer symptoms may include:
- A lump in your side or abdomen
- A loss of appetite
- A pain in your side that doesn’t go away
- Weight loss
- Fever that lasts for weeks and isn’t caused by a cold or other infection
- Extreme fatigue
- Anemia
- Swelling in your ankles or legs
Kidney cancer that spreads to other parts of the body may cause other symptoms, such as:
- Shortness of breath
- Coughing up blood
- Bone pain
Diagnosis of Kidney Cancer
Tests and procedures used to diagnose kidney cancer include:
- Physical examination: – The doctor checks general signs of health and tests for fever and high blood pressure. The doctor also feels the abdomen and side for tumors.
- Blood and urine test: – To check whether any infection is present or not
- Imaging tests: – This test is done to visualize a kidney tumor or abnormality. Imaging tests includes ultrasound, computerized tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- Biopsy: – A biopsy is the removal of tissue to look for cancer cells. It is done by inserting a thin needle through the skin into the kidney to remove a small amount of tissue. Ultrasound or x-rays is used to guide the needle. A pathologist uses a microscope to look for cancer cells in the tissue.
- Intravenous Pyelogram(IVP): This test is carried out by injecting dye into a vein in the arm. The dye travels through the body and collects in the kidneys. The dye makes them show up on x-rays. A series of x-rays then tracks the dye as it moves through the kidneys to the ureters and bladder. The x-rays can show a kidney tumor or other problems.
- Surgery: In most cases, based on the results of the CT scan, ultrasound, and x-rays, surgery is recommend to remove part or the entire kidney.
Treatment of Kidney Cancer
- Patients with kidney cancer may have surgery, arterial embolization,radiation therapy, biological therapy, or chemotherapy. Some may have a combination of treatments.
- At any stage of disease, patients with kidney cancer may have treatment to control pain and other symptoms, to relieve the side effects of therapy, and to ease emotional and practical problems. This kind of treatment is called as supportive care, symptom management or palliative care.
Treatment of Kidney Cancer
- Surgery: – Surgery is the most common treatment for kidney cancer. It is a type of local therapy. It treats cancer in the kidney and the area close to the tumour.
An operation to remove the kidney is called a “Nephrectomy”. There are several types of Nephrectomy. The type depends mainly on the stage of the tumour.
- Radical nephrectomy: Kidney cancer is usually treated with radical nephrectomy. In this surgery, removal of the entire kidney along with the adrenal gland and some tissue around the kidney is carried out. Some lymph nodes in the area also may be removed.
- Simple nephrectomy: In this surgery, removal of only the kidney is carried out. Some patients with “Stage I kidney cancer” may have a simple nephrectomy.
- Partial nephrectomy: In this surgery, only the part of the kidney that contains the tumor is removed. This type of surgery may be used when the person has only one kidney, or when the cancer affects both kidneys. Also, a person with a small kidney tumor (less than 4 centimeters) may have this type of surgery.
- Arterial embolization: – Arterial embolization is a type of local therapy that shrinks the tumor. Sometimes it is done before an operation to make surgery easier. When surgery is not possible, embolization may be used to help relieve the symptoms of kidney cancer.
- Radiation: – Radiation therapy (also called radiotherapy) is another type of local therapy. It uses high-energy rays to kill cancer cells. It affects cancer cells only in the treated area.
- Biological therapy: – It is a type of systemic therapy. Biological therapy uses the body’s natural ability (immune system) to fight cancer.
- Chemotherapy: – It is also a type of systemic therapy. Anticancer drugs enter the bloodstream and travel throughout the body. Although useful for many other cancers.
The speciality Homeopathic treatment for kidney cancer, developed at Welling Clinics can be very helpful for those suffering from kidney cancer.
- Call us today on (+91) 80 80 850 950 to book an appointment and meet our specialist to know more about our speciality Homeopathy treatment for kidney cancer.