Treatment of Skin Cancer

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Welling Homeopathy Reviews

If you or your loved one is suffering due to skin cancer, then you need our specially formulated Homeopathy treatment for skin cancer, tried and tested over the last 20 years to halt the progression of disease further and to live an independent life.

See our specialists at any Welling Clinic in India or order online instantly from the link above.

Cancer Treatment in MumbaiTreatment of Skin cancer with our specially formulated Homeopathy medicines for cancer can help you better manage your skin cancer.  The best long-term results are achieved by combination therapy depending on age, stage of skin cancer and general health condition of the patient.

Can Homeopathy Cure Skin Cancer?

While conventional treatments like chemotherapy or radiation therapy help in faster removal of cancer, Dr.Welling’s CUREplus Homeopathy Treatment for Skin cancer can help in

  • Regression of Skin cancer
  • Prevention of recurrence of Skin cancer,
  • Removing side-effects of chemo and radiation therapy,
  • Relieving cancer pains
  • Improving the general quality of life and hence, a better reaction to other treatments.

Starting the treatment as soon as you are diagnosed helps in complete recovery in most of cases depending on the stage of cancer. The speciality Homeopathic treatment for Skin cancer, developed at Welling Clinics can be very helpful for those suffering from initial stages of  Skin cancer.

Call us today on (+91) 80 80 850 950 to book an appointment and meet our specialist to know more about our speciality Homeopathy treatment for Skin cancer.

What is Skin Cancer?

  • Skin Cancer begins in the cells of the Skin. These cancers usually develop in the top layer of skin, known as the epidermis.
  • Most skin cancers form in older people on parts of the body exposed to the sun or in people who have weakened immune systems.
  • Skin cancer is the most common of all cancers.
  • Unlike moles, Skin cancer can invade the normal tissue nearby. Also, Skin cancer can spread throughout the body.
  • Studies have shown that the following are risk factors for the three most common types of Skin cancer: Sunlight, Severe blistering sunburns, Lifetime sun exposure, Tanning.

Estimated new cases and deaths from Skin cancer in the United States in 2012:

  • New cases: more than 2,000,000
  • Deaths: less than 1,000

Types of Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is of three types:-

Basal Cell Cancer: – BCC originates from the lowest layer of the epidermis, and is the most common but least dangerous Skin cancer. It usually occurs in those Skin parts which has exposed to sun. In people with fair Skin, basal cell Skin cancer is the most common type of Skin cancer.

Squamous Cell Cancer: – SCC originates from the middle layer, and is less common but more likely to spread and, if untreated, become fatal. In people with dark Skin, squamous cell Skin cancer is the most common type of Skin cancer, and it’s usually found in places that are not exposed to the sun, such as the legs or feet. However, in people with fair Skin, squamous cell Skin cancer usually occurs in those Skin parts which has not exposed to sun, such as the head, face, ears, and neck. Squamous cell Skin cancer sometimes spreads to other parts of the body.

Melanoma: – It originates in the pigment-producing cells (melanocytes). It is the least common type of Skin cancer, but most aggressive one, most likely to spread and, if untreated, become fatal. Melanoma can occur on any Skin surface. In men, it’s often found on the Skin on the head, on the neck, or between the shoulders and the hips. In women, it’s often found on the Skin on the lower legs or between the shoulders and the hips. Melanoma is rare in people with dark Skin. When it does develop in people with dark Skin, it’s usually found under the fingernails, under the toenails, on the palms of the hands, or on the soles of the feet. Melanoma is more likely than other Skin cancers to spread to other parts of the body.

Neuroendocrine carcinoma of the Skin- Skin cancer that forms in neuroendocrine cells (cells that release hormones in response to signals from the nervous system). It is the rarest type of Skin cancer.

Stages of Skin Cancer

The stage of Skin cancer is based on:

  • The size of the growth of cancer.
  • How deeply it has grown beneath the top layer of Skin.
  • Whether the growth has spread to nearby lymph nodes or to other parts of the body.

The stages of Skin cancer are as follows: 

Stage 0: – In stage 0, cancer is found only in the epidermis (the topmost layer of the Skin), which is the layer of cells in which the cancer began. Stage 0 cancer is also called carcinoma in situ.

Stage I: – In stage I, the tumor is 2 centimeters in diameter or smaller than this.

Stage II: – In stage II, the tumor is larger than 2 centimeters.

Stage III: – In stage III, cancer has spread below the Skin to cartilage, muscle, or bone and/or to nearby lymph nodes, but not to other parts of the body.

Stage IV: – In stage IV, the cancer has spread to other parts of the body.

Symptoms of Skin Cancer

The following are the “ABCD,” guidelines, which are useful for identifying malignant melanoma. The guidelines are as follows:

  • A: – Asymmetry (One side of the lesion does not look like the other).
  • B: – Border irregularity (Margins may be notched or irregular).
  • C: – Color (Melanomas are often a mixture of black, tan, brown, blue, red, or white).
  • D: – Diameter (Cancerous lesions are usually larger than 6 mm across but any change in size may be significant).

The signs and symptoms of Skin Cancer are classified according to their types.

The Basal Cell Carcinoma symptoms are as follows:-

ü  A small lump (spot or mole) that is shiny, waxy, pale in color, and smooth in texture.

ü  A red lump (spot or mole) that is firm in nature.

ü  A spot that bleeds or become crusty. Also look for sores that don’t heal.

ü  Rough and scaly patches on the Skin.

ü  Flat scaly areas of the Skin that are red or brown.

ü  Any new growth that is suspicious.

ü  Small blood vessels may be visible within the tumor.

ü  A central depression with crusting and bleeding (ulceration) frequently develops.

The Squamous Cell Carcinoma symptoms are as follows:-

ü  A squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is commonly a well-defined, red, scaling, thickened patch on sun-exposed Skin.

ü  Like Basal Cell Carcinomas, Squamous Cell Carcinomas may ulcerate and bleed.

ü  If left untreated, Squamous Cell Carcinomas may develop into a large mass.

The Melanoma symptoms are as follows:-

ü  The majority of malignant melanomas are brown to black pigmented lesions.

ü  Warning signs include change in size, shape, color, or elevation of a mole.

ü  The appearance of a new mole during adulthood, or new pain, itching, ulceration, or bleeding of an existing mole should all be checked by a healthcare provider.

Diagnosis of Skin Cancer:-

Physical Examination: – It is done to carefully examine any growths, moles or dry patches on Skin.

Skin biopsy: – It includes removal of a small sample of suspicious-looking Skin for laboratory testing. A biopsy can determine the stage and type of Skin cancer.

Treatment of Skin Cancer

There are many treatments for Skin cancer. Treatment of Skin cancer will depend upon various factors:-

  • Type of Skin cancer.
  • Location of Skin cancer.
  • The intensity of Skin cancer- aggressive or non-aggressive.
  • Stage of Skin cancer.
  • Patient’s overall health.

Various Treatments for Skin Cancer

Surgical Treatment: – The goal of surgery while treating Skin cancer is to total removal of cancer. To remove cancer the following surgical options has to choose:-

  • Excision: – Excision treatment is appropriate for any type of Skin cancer. The cancerous tissue and a surrounding margin of healthy Skin are excised. A wide excision is nothing but the removing extra normal Skin around the tumor and also it may be recommended in some cases.
  • Curettage and electrodesiccation- After removing most of a growth, scraping away layers of cancer cells using a circular blade named “curet” is carried out. An electric needle destroys the remaining cancer cells. This is a simple, quick procedure and it may be used to treat small or thin basal cell cancers or squamous cell cancers.

Other treatment: – Apart from surgery other treatment includes:

  • Freezing: –Freezing is done by destroying actinic keratoses and some small, early skin cancers by freezing them with liquid nitrogen (cryosurgery). Then the dead tissue sloughs off.
  • Chemotherapy: – In chemotherapy, drugs are used to kill cancer cells.For cancers limited to the top layer of Skin, creams or lotions containing anti-cancer agents may be applied directly to the Skin. Systemic chemotherapy can be used to treat Skin cancers that have spread to other parts of the body.
  • Biological therapy: – Biological treatments stimulate immune system in order to kill cancer cells. Biological therapy medications used to treat certain Skin cancer include interferon and interleukin-2.
  • Photodynamic therapy:- This treatment destroys Skin cancer cells with a combination of laser light and drugs that makes cancer cells sensitive to light. PDT makes Skin sensitive to light, so one needs to avoid direct sunlight for at least six weeks after treatment.
  • Radiation therapy- Radiation may be used in situations when surgery isn’t an option.

The speciality Homeopathic treatment for Skin cancer, developed at Welling Clinics can be very helpful for those suffering from Skin cancer.

Call us today on (+91) 80 80 850 950 to book an appointment and meet our specialist to know more about our speciality Homeopathy treatment for Skin cancer.