Homeopathy Treatment For Varicose Ulcers

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Welling Homeopathy Reviews

Welling Homeopathy Clinics offer specially formulated Homeopathy treatment for Varicose Ulcers. The Homeopathy treatment for Varicose Ulcers has been developed after an exhaustive in-house research. Our clinics consult for more than 8500 patients with Varicose Ulcers, every year. You too can be benefitted by our expertise in Homeopathy medicines for Varicose Ulcers.

Call us now on +91 8080850950 to get cured of Varicose Veins.

What are Varicose Ulcers?

Welling homeopathy treatment for varicose  The symptoms of a venous leg ulcer include pain, itching and swelling in the affected leg. There may also be discoloured or hardened skin around the ulcer, and the sore may produce a foul-smelling discharge.

A varicose ulcer is a sore that develops on the leg due to poor circulation of blood in the lower limb. The ulcer can be located on the inner side of the leg, right above the ankle. This condition then increases the pressure in the legs, weakening the overlying skin over a period of time. If it becomes a chronic condition, it leads to an open sore/ulcer on the leg that heals very slowly. Homeopathy medicines for varicose ulcers work by gradually improving the flow of blood and also reducing itching, soreness, pain and burning sensation.

What is the risk of developing varicose ulcers?

You’re more at risk of developing one if you’ve previously had deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or find it difficult to walk because of a problem such as:

  • osteoarthritis
  • a leg injury
  • obesity
  • paralysis

You’re also more at risk if you’ve recently had an operation on your leg, such as a hip replacement or knee replacement.

People with varicose veins (swollen and enlarged veins) also have a higher risk of developing venous leg ulcers.

What are the signs and symptoms of varicose ulcers?

The symptoms of leg ulcers can vary depending on their exact cause. Ulcers are often painful. But sometimes ulcers present with no pain. This is due to nerve damage from mismanaged diabetes. A lack of pain is one reason why many patients misdiagnose themselves and fail to seek medical treatment.

It’s important to make an appointment with your doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • open sores
  • pus in the affected area
  • pain in the affected area
  • increasing wound size
  • leg swelling
  • enlarged veins
  • generalized pain or heaviness in the legs

Homeopathy Treatment of Varicose Ulcers

The specially formulated CUREplus homeopathy treatment at Welling Clinics helps treat varicose ulcers without the need for surgery. Quick healing of the ulcers is noted with the use of our homeopathic medicines for varicose ulcers. Symptoms like itching, burning, soreness, pain and any discharges of fluid/pus/blood also tend to reduce. .

Best Homeopathic Medicines for Varicose Ulcers

Fluoricum Acidum – Homeopathic Medicine for Varicose Ulcers with Burning Pain.

Fluoricum Acidum is a homeopathic medicine used to treat varicose ulcers that come with severe burning pains.

Lachesis Muta – Homeopathic Medicine for Sensitive Varicose Ulcers.

Lachesis Muta is a homeopathic medicine used to treat varicose ulcerss when the surface of the ulcer is uneven and looks dirty, and purplish, bluish-blackish skin may surround it. There may be a burning sensation in the ulcers at night. This medicine is indicated for varicose ulcers that arise from an injury.

Calendula Officinalis – Homeopathic Medicine for Varicose Ulcers with Pus Discharge.

Calendula Officinalis is a homeopathic medicine used to treat varicose ulcers with lot of pus discharges. Inflammation, stinging and pain in the ulcer is present and the ulcer is deep, with red, ragged edges. This medicine is also used as a preventive measure against gangrene development.

Carbo Veg – Homeopathic Medicine for Varicose Ulcers with Bleeding.

Carbo Veg is a homeopathic medicine used to treat varicose ulcers that bleed easily, even on the slightest touch. The ulcer has a  purple color and the skin surrounding it feels tense. Foul-smelling pus discharges with blood may also be present.

Pulsatilla Nigricans – Homeopathic Medicine for Varicose Ulcers with Itching.

Pulsatilla Nigricans is a homeopathic medicine used to treat varicose ulcers that itch. The ulcer looks red and is hard to touch. Symptoms, like smarting and shooting pain, burning, stinging and excoriating sensation in the ulcer that get better on exposure to cold or open air, are present. In some cases, a greenish, yellowish discharge may also be present.

The treatment for Varicose Ulcers may vary from cases to case – some requiring short-term whereas others requiring long term treatment. The duration of treatment depends on various factors such as the severity, duration and extent of the illness, treatment taken and general health of the patient.

Homeopathic Treatment For Varicose Ulcers in Mumbai

We have 6 Homeopathy clinics in Mumbai, with experienced Homeopathy specialist to offer you detailed evaluation and our speciality homeopathy treatment for Varicose Ulcers.

Homeopathic Treatment for Varicose Ulcers in Surat

We have a Homeopathy clinic in Adajana, Surat, with Senior Homeopathy specialist, trained at our Mumbai Clinic under Dr.Welling,M.D. to offer you detailed evaluation and our speciality homeopathy treatment for Varicose Ulcers.

Meet our experts today to know more about the Varicose Ulcers treatment and how you too can live a pain-free life after Welling Homeopathy treatment for Varicose Ulcers.