Treatment of Chalazion

Your Recovery is Just One Visit Away – Choose The Experts

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Welling Homeopathy Reviews

Treatment of Chalazion with our specially formulated Homeopathic formula can help you get cured of recurrent Chalazion. At Welling Homeopathy Clinics, the treatment with our specially formulated treatment protocol includes tailor-made homeopathic medicines for Chalazion for a completely painless treatment. Meet our specialist for a detailed assessment and to know about our specialty treatment of Chalazion.

Why Welling Homeopathy Medicines for Chalazion Treatment?

  • Our custom-made Homeopathy medicines for Chalazion can successfully help dissolve chalazion without the intervention of surgery. And also helps in preventing their recurrence,
  • The Homeopathy treatment for Chalazion has cured patients with recurrent Chalazion,
  • The treatment is non-steroidal, with no creams and no locations. Just natural Homeopathy medicines custom-made for you for faster recovery,
  • Usually, we see a cure in 12-18 months, rarely requiring 24 months.
  • The fastest and the safest way to get cured of Chalazion symptoms permanently.

Call +91 8080 850 950 to book an appointment or to consult and order online. Consult our specialists today for a detailed evaluation and to start your customized Homeopathy medicines for Chalazion.

Homeopathy treatment of Chalazion

What is a Chalazion?

Chalazion are a not very common, but still benign inflammatory condition that affects the eyelids. It is caused by a blocked oil gland on the upper or lower eyelid and can be cured with a simple surgery. A swollen lump appears on the eyelid as a result of the blockage which is usually painful and causes discomfort during blinking. There are many different causes of Chalazion including injury, infection or allergies to certain substances such as pollen or pet dander.

How do you get Chalazion?

Chalazia are usually caused by one of three things: 1) Trauma 2) Damage to oil glands 3) Autoimmune diseases

The causes of Chalazion are:

1. Injury: The connection between the oil gland and the lids can be damaged as a result of injury to the upper or lower eyelid. This connection allows the gland to secrete oils onto the lid margins. When this connection is severed, an inflammatory response is provoked by an accumulation of oil inside the gland that produces a swollen lump at the eyelid margin.

2. Allergies: Some people are allergic to certain substances such as pollen or pet dander and they may develop Chalazions after contact with these substances. Pollen and pet dander allergies can cause swelling which can lead to inflammation and irritation on sensitive skin surfaces such as your eyelids. If you suspect that your Chalazion is due to an allergy, you can perform a simple test by introducing the allergen into your body and seeing if you develop symptoms. This may include things like watering eyes or itchy skin. If this is the case then you should see an allergist who can confirm the diagnosis and recommend some treatment options for eliminating your allergy flares such as immunotherapy (allergy shots).

3. Infections: A Chalazion can also be caused by a bacterial infection of an oil gland on your eyelid. This may occur after injury or surgery on the eyelid when there is scar tissue that blocks the natural drainage path for secreted oils from inside the gland. There are several different types of bacteria that have been implicated in causing Chalazion. However these bacteria can only infect the gland in someone who already has an existing blockage preventing oil drainage and secretion, otherwise it would be impossible for the bacteria to enter the gland in the first place.

4. Systemic diseases: It is possible that systemic autoimmune diseases such as psoriasis or lupus may cause inflammation of oil glands on your eyelids. This tends to affect children more often than adults, with around 50% of cases occurring under 20 years of age. The reason why this type of condition occurs mostly in young people remains unknown although it is speculated that blocked glands could result from a developmental anomaly during embryologic development rather than an autoimmune mechanism.

5. Precancerous lesions: An uncommon type of Chalazion called a xanthelasma can occur in some people with a specific type of precancerous lesion known as a xanthogranuloma. This is extremely rare and not well understood by the medical community.

Chalazion are more common in females than males although they affect all ages equally. The most common age group to experience Chalazions is that between 40 and 60 years old, but they may develop at any time throughout your lifetime. There has been very little research done into how many people have this condition, however, it is believed that its prevalence is somewhere under 0.1% of the population.

These causes can be categorized:

Infectious Mechanisms

– Bacterial infection

– Viral infection (e.g. herpes simplex and molluscum contagiosum)

Dry Mechanisms

– Scars

– Dry Skin

Genetic Mechanisms

– Some rare conditions like xanthogranuloma can be passed down from parents to children. This suggests that it could possibly be a genetic condition. However, in general Chalazion appears sporadically with no clear family history of the condition.

Symptoms of Chalazion

Eye Pain – The pain associated with Chalazion can vary in severity, but typically the patient will report experiencing pain when they blink or when their eye opens.

Oozing – Oozing eye discharge is not uncommon in Chalazion patients. This discharge is usually pus-like and can also be yellowish or light green in color.

Swelling – The swelling associated with Chalazion causes the eyelid to look like it has a “lumpy” appearance that becomes more noticeable after the eye starts leaking fluid. Vision Problems – The lump under the eyelid can cause a bulge in the eye that makes normal vision difficult.

Redness and Itching – Chalazion patients also commonly develop redness of the eyes and itchiness

Enlarged Tonsils – Since Chalazion is an infection, it may be accompanied by enlarged tonsils or swollen lymph nodes on other parts of the body.

Treatment for Chalazion

Chalazion can be cured through surgery. The surgery usually lasts around 30-45 minutes and is done under local anesthesia. There are also cases where the swelling is so mild, or the person has had it for so long, that treatment is not needed. In these cases, doctors may recommend applying warm compresses to the affected area for around 10 minutes every day. In some cases, it could also help to apply a light moisturizing and anti-inflammatory ointment on the eyelid.

That said, if you do choose to take medical treatment, there are some medications that might be prescribed by your doctor. Antibiotic drugs can be used in order to treat chalazion caused by an infection. Anti-inflammatory and steroidal treatments could also be advised in order to reduce swelling as well as pain levels associated with the condition.

There are cases where drops containing antibiotics or corticosteroids would need to be applied directly into the eye on a daily basis for up to four weeks or so. In cases where the chalazion has already been surgically removed but it keeps coming back, there are also drugs which can be taken orally in order to reduce chances of it returning.

Some people may choose to take natural treatments or homeopathic cures for Chalazion instead. For example, one study showed that applying Vitamin E on the affected area could help to speed up recovery times and prevent future recurrences of this condition. There is another study that shows that Vigabatrin drops, an anti-epileptic drug used for treating epilepsy can also treat Chalazion. This is because a side effect of this drug is reducing inflammation around the eye which would therefore help to reduce swelling and heal irritation associated with the condition.

Chalazion is usually cured through a 30-45 minute surgery that is done under local anesthesia. The surgery involves puncturing the inner lining of the eyelid which then drains the fluid from Chalazion. This helps to eventually cure it by shrinking it so that it goes away on its own without any further treatment required. If this doesn’t work, doctors may also decide to remove the entire oil gland in order to permanently treat Chalazion without having any potential for future recurrence or scarring. However, because the eyes are so close together, and surrounded by delicate tissues such as muscles and blood vessels, surgeons need to be extremely careful when operating around them which makes surgery slightly more difficult than usual.

If you do decide to take homeopathic treatments for Chalazion, you could try using chamomile oil on the eyelid affected by this condition. This can be particularly useful if the area is very inflamed and red because chamomile has natural anti-inflammatory compounds which help to reduce swelling, pain levels and irritation associated with it. It is important that you avoid getting any essential oils in your eyes though as even natural remedies such as these can sometimes cause problems when used in that way.

Chalazion usually only needs treatment if it becomes painful or starts causing other problems such as blurred vision. If it’s a mild case of Chalazion then doctors will often recommend simply applying warm compresses and massaging gently around the eye for around 10 minutes every day. In some cases, applying ointment or drops directly into the affected eye can help to speed up recovery and reduce pain levels by a significant amount.

If surgery is required because Chalazion doesn’t go away after using natural treatments such as these, there are different types of procedures that can be used depending on the severity of the case. For example, injecting antibiotics into the chalazion could work for minor cases which have not been present for too long.

However, in more severe cases where cutting out specific oil glands is necessary due to blockage issues, doctors may perform surgery under general anesthesia if necessary. This type of surgery usually requires small tools such as a knife or scalpel being inserted into the eyelid in order to cut out the oil gland that is causing problems.

Prevention Tips for Chalazion

There are many preventative measures that one can take in order to avoid developing a Chalazion. Saliva is an example of bodily fluid that people subconsciously swallow on a regular basis. One way to help prevent the development of a Chalazion would be to consciously avoid swallowing saliva. It may also be helpful to keep your mouth closed when you are not talking, eating or drinking. Patients should avoid wearing makeup or eye shadow around their eyes. Eye products can irritate the area around the eye and cause a Chalazion to develop. It is also important not to share personal items like towels, razors, combs or eyeliner with others as these may carry bacteria that could lead to Chalazion formation.

You can help prevent skin irritation by avoiding taking hot showers. Hot water causes pores in the skin to widen, which allows bacteria and other substances to enter the body more easily through contact with the skin. Try using cool or lukewarm water instead of hot water for your showers and baths. Additionally, you can use specially formulated laundry detergent for washing any clothing that comes into contact with your face.

If you have had a previous Chalazion on your eyelid or are prone to developing them, contact an ophthalmologist for advice. Second opinions about the treatment plan for a Chalazion can be useful in order to ensure that you are receiving the most effective care possible. If you develop one of these cysts, it is important not to squeeze or burst it yourself as this may cause the infection inside the cavity to spread and worsen your symptoms.

It is easy to prevent the development of Chalazions if patients simply avoid certain things that may irritate their skin around the eyes and follow a daily skincare routine that helps keep their pores clean at all times.

Homeopathy Treatment of Chalazion

Homeopathy can successfully help dissolve chalazion without the intervention of surgery. And also helps in preventing their recurrence. Homeopathic medicines reduce redness, swelling, pain, and discomfort promptly. Since Homeopathic medicine is taken internally, it works best by raising the natural resistance of the body without any side effects.

Homeopathy Medicines of Chalazion

The below-mentioned homeopathy medicines for chalazion are a few of the most indicated natural remedies for chalazion but should be taken under the advice and diagnosis of a qualified Homeopath at Welling Clinics.

– Apis mel : Swollen lids, redness, oedematous with burning and stinging sensation. Right
sided. Thirstless . Intolerance of heat and touch.

– Pulsastilla : Itching in eyes with thick profuse discharge. Worse in warm room, better in open
air .Thirstless

–  Staphysagria : Recurrent chalazae. Heat in eyeballs. Sunken eyes. Bad effects of anger and
insults. Better by warmth.

– Thuja : Eyelids stick together. Left sided and chilly. Emotional sensitiveness with fixed ideas.

– Calc carb : Sensitive to light, tearing in open air and early morning. Easy fatigue of eyes. Great
sensitiveness to cold.

– Silicea : Aversion to light, eyes tender to touch, vision confused. Chilliness better by warmth.

These below-mentioned Medicines are few of the most indicated remedies for Chalazion but should be taken under the advice and diagnosis of a qualified Homeopath.

Call +91 8080 850 950 to book an appointment or to consult and order online. Consult our specialists today for a detailed evaluation and to start your customized Homeopathy treatment of Chalazion.